Blue SWAT Episodes 47-51

This is it, folks.  Queen sets her ultimate plan into motion, and it may just mean the end of Earth and the rest of humanity.  As the pressure ramps, so do Sig’s… issues.  As he confronts his past and his future, does the team have any hope of victory?  Maybe not without sacrifice…

Wow, we finally made it.  This is the end of Blue SWAT.  Just what type of ending is in store for our heroes?  Crazy to think this weird-ass show is now fully subbed… and even crazier to think this means all mainline Metal Heroes are now fully subbed as well!

As mentioned in my first post regarding this show, Blue SWAT has held a small place in my heart ever since I first watched it years ago.  The plots could be so unique compared to most other toku shows, with the tone and style unlike anything else Toei ever put out.  There isn’t another show exactly like Blue SWAT.  Not only that, but the cast of characters in this show are truly incredible.  Shou, Sarah, Sig, Seiji, Sumire.  All five of them work so well individually, and even better as a group.  I stand by them being one of the best main casts in all of toku.

I always felt Blue SWAT got a raw deal in the fandom due to it being so weird and different, with a known retool in the middle.  And with it being unsubbed for so long… yeah, people are going to assume the worst.  So I’m glad it’s subbed now so people are actually going and watching this show and experiencing it for themselves.

If you’re one of those people who waited until the show was finished being subbed to come start it, hi!  I want to give a couple quick warnings.  Blue SWAT has a LOT of bright, flashing lights.  If you are sensitive to that, please be careful watching this show.  Some of them get pretty strong.  Other than that, there’s a couple brief instances of self-harm in this show (drawing a blade across one’s skin), and there’s one instance (episode 21) of (brief/minor) sexual assault being framed in a comedic way.

Whether you watched as I released, are watching now, or are coming to this post TO watch Blue SWAT some time in the future, thank you for giving this show a shot.  I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did.

If you finish the show and want more Blue SWAT content, go watch episodes 52 and 53 of B-Fighter to have an epilogue for their story, and to see them team up with the B-Fighters as well as the Janperson cast.  I can finally recommend that team-up now!

A final thank you to Florida Man for his help with script timing.  Could not have got this done as fast without him.

The preview at the end for B-Fighter is taken directly from Megabeast Empire’s release of it.  I don’t think they’d have any problems with this, but I wanted to mention it since that is, in fact, their work.

I had to add another folder due to not having enough space for this final batch.  Don’t worry, things will be more consolidated in the final, complete one.  Go to the Blue SWAT Pastebin to enjoy.

Speaking of the final batch, should probably go over that.  While things are okay now, I do want to go through the earlier episodes again and make a couple more small changes for consistency, mostly in the typesetting.  In addition, there are a couple extras I want to do, so when the complete batch gets released, it will include the Blue SWAT movie, which is just a highly edited version of the first two episodes, and the Toei Hero Great Gathering special… because it’s only just over five minutes, with most of it dedicated to Blue SWAT with a bit of Sentai and Janperson thrown in.  It’s been English subbed before, but I don’t believe on an HD raw, so that’ll be new.  So you can look forward to that some time in the near future.

More HD Denziman should also be on the way before too, too long.  I didn’t forget about it.

Once again, thank you all for your support.  Cheers to Blue SWAT, and cheers to Metal Heroes.

8 thoughts on “Blue SWAT Episodes 47-51

  1. Amazing job! Have you guys considered subbing Inazuman Flash? It’s the one Toei show I want to see the most.


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